2022 Major Investors

RPAC’s Hall of Fame Inductees and Major Investors are passionate about the partnership with NAR to shape the political future of the real estate industry. The REALTORS® listed below helped protect the real estate business by making a 2022 RPAC investment. Click here for the complete list of all 2022 RPAC Investors.



Travis Close*

2021 Hall of Fame Inductee

Golden R

Lois Killebrew

2009 Hall of Fame Inductee

Lifetime Golden R

Geoff Ramsey*

2019 Hall of Fame Inductee

Golden R

GOLDEN R ($5,000-9,999)

Linda Brock

Derek English*

Ellis Gardner*

Carol Seal*

Crystal R (2,500-4,999)

Kim Bass

Jill Christy

Jennifer Grayson

STERLING R ($1000-$2,499)

Robert Backer

Paige Batten

Bev Boss

Kadi Brown

Kim Bryant

Lisi Chavarri

Teresa Clegg

Garrett Cox

Leatha Eaves

Dan Griess

Ryan May

Denise Murphy

Erik Palmer

Bill Panebianco

Connie Powell-Brewer

Bill Raines, Jr.

Steven Sharpe

Don't see your name listed? Please email Christy Auld OR call 423.702.7428.

View 2021 Major Investors.

*President's Circle: In addition to their RPAC investment, members of the President’s Circle contribute directly to REALTOR®-friendly candidates at the federal level. The President’s Circle Program supports REALTOR® Party Champions – Members of Congress who have made significant achievements in advancing the REALTOR® public policy agenda. The President’s Circle Program allows REALTORS® to contribute beyond RPAC dollars and increase the strength of the REALTOR® voice on Capitol Hill. Learn more about President's Circle.

Contributions are not deductible for income tax purposes. Contributions to RPAC are voluntary and are used for political purposes. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal and the National Association of REALTORS® or any of its state associations or local boards will not favor or disfavor any member because of the amount contributed. 70% of each contribution is used by your state PAC to support state and local political candidates. Until your state reaches its RPAC goal, 30% is sent to National RPAC to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 2 U.S. C. 411a; after the state PAC reaches its RPAC goal it may elect to retain your entire contribution for use in supporting state and local candidates.