We get it. Members are busy. A lot is going on with work, life, and the world. Sometimes you miss timely Association announcements or services that can enhance your business. Who better to be an Association voice in each office than someone from that office?!
Firm-designated Ambassadors can help us better communicate with our members by:
• Connecting with members on a face-to-face basis
• Sharing details about Association meetings, events, and deadlines - we'll regularly provide information, promotional flyers, etc., to share however your firm communicates best - office meetings, group text, or the good ole fashioned bulletin board
• Encouraging your peers to engage with Association
• Listening and voicing member feedback to the Association
An ideal Ambassador:
• Is enthusiastic about serving as a liaison between the Association and your office
• Promotes Association programs, services, events, and classes
• Does not suffer from RDR (REALTORS® Don't Read). We're counting on you to read and share our communications with your peers.
• Helps ensure nobody in their office suffers from RDR. Or if they do, ensure they get the information in other ways.
Ambassadors are only a one-year commitment. And you can become an Ambassador at any time throughout the year. Just ask your Managing Broker to sign off on your application.
Questions? Call 423.698.8001 or email