Click HERE to submit a 2025 Volunteer Form by January 6.
Appointment Process
Committees, including task forces and presidential advisory groups, are critical to the Association's success in meeting the needs of our members to excel in their profession and serve the Greater Chattanooga community.
For 2025, we're veering from our traditional "pick up to 3 committees" and asking more about your strengths and passions to identify the best ways for you to make a difference in YOUR Association. Based on your responses to the 2025 Volunteer Form, we may need to modify or expand on what is oulined below for the purpose of our more traditional committees.
2025 President Ellis Gardner will work in conjunction with the leadership team and committee chairs to match the scope of each committee's work with the strengths and relevant experience of interested volunteers. The goal is to accommodate as many volunteers as possible while also considering available space and the overall makeup of each committee (e.g., member type, firm size, geographical representation, gender, ethnicity, and primary specialty).
Appointments will be confirmed no later than January 15 via email by the staff support assigned to the committee.
As a reminder, any committee member who fails to attend three (3) meetings in the calendar year will be deemed to have resigned from the committee.
Committee Descriptions
Association Management
BUDGET & FINANCE: Formulates the annual budget and makes recommendations concerning financial planning and investment decisions. Staggered, two-year terms. Meets 4-6 times each year.
BYLAWS: Reviews Bylaw recommendations from NAR for implementation at the local level and any local issues that may arise and contemplate a Bylaws amendment. Meets as needed.
MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE: Establishes and maintains policies for the residential and commercial MLS system, MLS data compilation, and related services (i.e., lockboxes, market reports, tax data). Meets monthly. NOTE: Does not appear on the committee sign-up, as the committee members (9 Participants and 2 Subscribers serving two-year, staggered terms) are elected by the MLS Participants.
GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS: Reviews ordinances and policies that may impact REALTORS® in conducting their business successfully and ethically and to promote the preservation of the right to own, use, and transfer real property. Works with elected officials on issues impacting property values and quality of life in Greater Chattanooga. Meets monthly.
REALTORS® POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE (RPAC): Solicits RPAC contributions and educates members on their role in the REALTOR® Party to Vote, Act & Invest to protect and promote home ownership and real estate investment. Assists in the planning of RPAC-related events, including the annual Participation, Major Investor, and Red White & Thank You events. Meets 6-8 times a year.
RPAC TRUSTEES: Conducts interviews of those running for elected office to (1) Determine their stance on issues that affect the real estate industry; (2) Educate the candidates on said issues and views; and (3) Determine which candidates to recommend to the Board of Directors and TN RPAC Trustees for financial support. Training is required prior to service. NOTE: Does not appear on the committee sign-up due to certain eligibility requirements. Contact Josh Branum for additional information.
Outreach & Events
AMBASSADORS: Helps engage members by promoting Association programs and services within their offices. NOTE: Does not appear on the committee sign-up, as applications will be pushed out to Managing Brokers to appoint someone from their office.
COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS: Supports the ongoing partnerships with Habitat for Humanity & Snack Packs. Plans and executes fundraisers, including Tee Up & Wine Down for Habitat and Trivia Night for Snack Packs. Meets monthly.
COMMUNITY EDUCATION & SCHOLARSHIP: Oversees an Association-funded, need-based scholarship program for first-year college students. Promotes NAR's High School Financial Education Program. Meets monthly.
DIVERSITY INCLUSION: Promotes equal opportunity and cultural diversity within the real estate industry and encourages an Association culture that embraces and celebrates our differences. Plans annual recognition of Fair Housing Month. Promotes Fairhaven and the At Home With Diversity certification. Meets monthly.
PLACEMAKING: Identifies local opportunities to create and/or transform an unused public space into a welcoming community destination through use of NAR grants. Meets monthly.
Professional Development
COMMERCIAL SERVICES ADVISORY GROUP: Provides guidance regarding commercial-specific programs and services, including but not limited to the commercial listing service, education, and networking offerings for our commercial practitioners. NOTE: Does not appear on the committee sign-up, as the President appoints this committee from among those who complete a Commercial Council membership form made available to Crexi subscribers.
LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: Identifies, educates, and grooms futures Association leaders; Oversees the Leadership Academy curriculum, application and selection process. Staggered, 2-year terms of recent graduates. Meets 2-4 times in the 1st Quarter and then bi-monthly to monitor programming in preparation for the subsequent year. NOTE: Does not appear on the committee sign-up, as recent Leadership Academy graduates comprise this committee.
YOUNG PROFESSIONALS ADVISORY GROUP: Provides guidance on programs, services, and communications to engage our youngest (in age or years in the business) members. Meets 1-2 times a year.
Dispute Resolution
GRIEVANCE & PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS: Local members will serve on Tennessee REALTORS®’s Grievance and Professional Standards Committees. The Grievance Committee reviews arbitration requests and ethics complaints to determine whether they meet the criteria for referring to the Professional Standards Committee for a hearing. Annual training required. Sign-up for these committees is handled by Tennessee REALTORS®. NOTE: Does not appear on the committee sign-up as this procees is facilitate by Tennessee REALTORS®.