Tue, May 22, 2018 1:00pm – 1:30pm    

5 C’s of a Successful Farming Strategy

REALTORS Property Resource®


Your own office or computer


Nowhere is there a more streamlined, single source of data and reports that fulfill every aspect of a successful farming campaign. From targeting and analyzing the marketability of potential neighborhoods to resources that help you “break the ice” with homeowners, it’s all here.

We’ll show you a five-point plan for creating and cultivating a solid neighborhood prospecting strategy.

  • Calculate the marketability of your target zone
  • Create a customized farm area using search tools and maps
  • Converse with homeowners using the RPR app and reports
  • Convey your value to For-Sale-By-Owner listings
  • Cultivate brand awareness with reports that peak homeowner interest

Join us for tips and how RPR can help you hone your farming techniques.



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