Mon, Sep 23, 2024 9:00am – 12:00pm    

Grow Your Business by Offering PM Services

Co-Host: Northeast Tennessee Association®


Your own location/device via Zoom! (see description below for registration information).


Grow Your Business by Offering PM Services class will be held via ZOOM. 

(ZOOM link will be emailed prior to class. CLICK HERE for the real estate commissions virtual/streaming rules.)

When the real estate sales market slows, there is one time-tested way for agents to not only survive in slow markets–but to thrive. Adding property management services for your clients gives you the benefits of residual income streams, new buyer and seller clients, increased company value, steady cash flow, and more. This fast-paced session breaks down all the pros — and the cons — of offering property management services. We’ll explore the risks and rewards of various business models used by property management firms and answer the most common questions. You’ll walk away with actionable steps and answers to the following questions:

  • Won’t property management be a distraction to my brokerage business?
  • What technology does a property management business require?
  • What licensing is required?
  • How can I market to my clients?
  • What questions do landlords ask?
  • What business models are available?
  • What income streams are available?
  • Do I have the personality to be a property manager?
  • How is my relationship with a property management client different from that of my brokerage client?
  • Where do I get the documents I need?
  • What are the legal risks of property management?
  • How hard it is to add property management services to a brokerage?

Course material will be emailed prior to class. 


Marc Cunningham


3 Hours TN & GA (pending)


Members: $30.00 / Non-Members: $45.00

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