Thu, Apr 17, 2025 1:00pm – 2:00pm    

Increasing Minority Homeownership (THDA)

Sponsored by Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA)


Greater Chattanooga REALTORS® (2963 Amnicola Highway)


Increasing Minority Homeownership course will be held IN PERSON.

This course reviews minority homeownership data such as average income, DTI, loan channel and homeownership rates across the US and in TN. We discuss the most common barriers to minority homeownership and ways to overcome them. We also introduce you to local resources and tools and explore meaningful partnerships that can help increase minority homeownership in TN. We can’t solve the problem here but we will continue the conversation!

Course material will be provided during class.


Josh McKinney


1 Hour (TN CE ONLY)


Members: FREE / Non-Members: $10.00

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