Wed, Aug 17, 2016 9:00am – 1:00pm
ME, Inc.
Most agents start their day knowing they need to take listings and sales but do not understand how many listings and sales, and at what average price, they need to achieve their income goal, and the importance of having a system to track actual sales results to plan. Those that start their day with a plan know what activities they need to do; those without a plan react to the circumstances they encounter throughout their day. Those with a plan end their day having advanced towards their goals; without a plan often end their day frustrated due to a lack of accomplishment. With 80% of agents failing within their first year, and 65% within five years, supports that many who fail, lack of do not follow, a business sales plan. A plan that states their goals, defines the strategies supporting the goals that they will focus their resources on, and the activities, the to-do’s, that bring the strategies to life.
How This Course Will Benefit Agents: Through a provided template, participants work to define their business sales plan and tracking system required to build a successful and sustaining career.
We have gone paperless. PRINT/DOWNLOAD the handout and bring to class.
Gary Johnson
4 Hours TN & GA
Members: $40.00 / Non-Members: $55.00
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