Thu, Jun 9, 2016 10:30am – 11:30am     Thu, Jun 23, 2016 10:30am – 11:30am    

RPR Overview for Brokers/Owners and Managers


Your own office/computer!


Branding your company is no easy task. It takes a consistent, big-picture effort to identify every opportunity and, few, in any, come free … except RPR®. At Realtors Property Resource® (RPR®), we make our commitment to helping brokers brand their organizations one of our top priorities, with an ongoing focus on the tools you need to set yourselves apart from the competition. And we offer those options to you at no additional cost.

Join us for this introductory workshop to learn how you and your agents can leverage RPR’s powerful branding and reporting tools to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

You’ll learn to:

  • Learn about RPR and how it benefits your agents.
  • Preview the Broker Tool Set, including branding, ancillary services, data tool and the broker AVM…designed exclusively with the company and management in mind.
  • Understand next steps to implement the tools of your choice.


RPR Staff

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