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July 1, 2024

Board of Director Spotlight: James Streeter

When I decided to showcase our Board of Directors (Board), I discovered that many of our leaders come from diverse backgrounds and careers. Our leadership team includes those with backgrounds in the NFL, electrical engineering, accounting, mechanical engineering, political campaign finance, and medical insurance. This range provides a diverse perspectives and experiences that help grow and shape our association.

James Streeter is yet another on our team who’s made quite the transition when leaping into real estate in 2017. With his clients and in his volunteer roles, James has demonstrated a deep commitment to community service and professional development. And he brings a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective to the Board.

What did you do before transitioning into this profession? I spent the majority of my adult life in the print and promotional products industry. With ownership in a local magazine and publishing company, we offered a variety of printing services and later purchased a sign and vinyl graphics company serving local businesses as well as regional and national accounts.

Why did you choose to serve in a leadership capacity? For me, being selected to serve on the board of directors was a natural progression. I have a heart for serving others, and after years of volunteering in different capacities within our association, I wanted to go further. It has been a privilege, and I am thankful for the opportunity I have been given.

What would you like your fellow Realtors to know that the association offers our members? The association is committed to providing continued training and education in our ever-evolving industry. They understand the importance of access to information and resources necessary in our profession and strive to empower our members with these tools.

What is your favorite part of being a Realtor? Helping clients navigate the purchase and sales process can be very rewarding. I get to be a part of what, in many cases, is an exciting new adventure in their lives. I have made new friends along the way and established lifelong relationships with clients who previously were strangers I otherwise would have never known.

What is something your fellow Realtors do in the community that you love and want others to know about? We give back to our community in a variety of ways. We sponsor sports teams, events, and other programs for our schools and youth. We hold fundraisers and make charitable donations where there are unmet needs. We advocate for private property rights and work with city and county officials to find ways to better our neighborhoods and community as a whole.  

Have you read any recent books you want to share with others? Relentless by Tim S. Grover and Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker are the top of my list right now. But for reasons that are very personal to me I must mention The Power of One More by Ed Mylett, as well as Achieve Your Apex and Flip the Coin both written by my friend Chad Hyams.

James Streeter's journey from the print and promotional products industry to a leadership role in the association exemplifies the diverse and dynamic nature of our Board of Directors. His dedication to community service, professional development, and continuous learning underscores the values that drive our association forward. James's story, along with the varied backgrounds of our other board members, highlights the strength and depth of experience that fuels our collective success. As we continue to grow and evolve, we are grateful for leaders like James, who inspire and contribute to our vibrant community. That's Who We R®.