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February 24, 2022

BYLAWS AMENDED RE: Unprofessional Conduct

The Boad of Directors approved an NAR-mandated Bylaws Amendment, as outlined below and now incorporated into our local Bylaws. These amendments were made in light of an increase of complaints nationwide at the local and state level, with said complaints alleging unprofessional conduct. The amendments are regarding the enforcement of membership duties and replace previous language that was both vague and difficult to interpret effectively.

Strikethroughs indicate deletions; underlines indicate additions.

Article VI – Privileges & Obligations Section 6. REALTOR® Members. REALTOR® members, whether primary or secondary, in good standing whose financial obligations to the association are paid in full shall be are entitled to vote and to hold elective office in the association;, and may use the terms REALTOR® and REALTORS; and have the primary responsibility to safeguard and promote the standards, interests, and welfare of the association and the real estate profession. For purposes of this section, the term “good standing” means the member satisfies the “Obligations of REALTOR® Members”, is current with all financial and disciplinary obligations to the association and MLS, has completed any new member requirements, and complies with NAR’s trademark rules.

Article VII – Professional Standards & Arbitration, Section 2. It shall be the duty and responsibility of every REALTOR® member of this association to safeguard and promote the standards, interests, and welfare of the association and the real estate profession., and to protect against conduct that may cause a lack of public confidence in the real estate profession or in REALTORS®. REALTOR® members also must abide by the Constitution and Bylaws governing documents and the rules and regulations policies of the association, the Constitution and Bylaws of the State Association, and the Constitution and Bylaws of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, and to abide by as well as the Code of Ethics of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, including the duty to arbitrate controversies arising out of real estate transactions as specified by Article 17 of the Code of Ethics, and as further defined and in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual of this association, as from time to time amended.

Every REALTOR® member shall maintain a high level of integrity and adhere to the association’s membership criteria. Any violent act or threat of violence to person or property, hateful conduct, or acts of moral turpitude impacting the public shall not be tolerated and may be cause for disciplinary action, up to and including termination of membership.