The Regional Planning Agency (RPA) received funding from the City of Chattanooga for a consultant-led process to assess the Chattanooga Zoning Ordinance and provide recommendations for updates/improvements.
The purpose of the zoning ordinance assessment is to:
- Identify needed improvements to the current regulations;
- Align the zoning districts with land use policy Place Types; and
- Help the City of Chattanooga and RPA staff set the stage for future ordinance updates.
Overall goals include:
- Remove outdated language, update definitions, and accommodate emerging uses.
- Simplify the zoning ordinance with graphic-friendly diagrams, tables, and charts.
- Reduce the need for zoning ordinance amendments, variances, and conditions.
The end result will be a technical report with recommendations.
Next week, President Brandi Pearl Thompson and Governmental Affairs Director Christy Auld will participate in a focus group, along with several other groups/individuals in the community. Please provide comments, experiences, process, changes needed, etc. that you think would be helpful to the consultant regarding zoning in Chattanooga to by 5:00 p.m. Monday, November 16, 2020. Your comments will be compiled and shared by Brandi and Christy at next week’s meeting.
Please contact (423.702.7428) with any questions you may have regarding this opportunity. Thanks in advance for any feedback you can provide.