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March 2, 2022

“R” Political Responsibility

These days the political climate of our country as well as the World’s seems to be taking center stage. Whether it’s on tv, our phones, or social media, it seems that people are becoming more and more informed of issues affecting our day to day lives without being provided accurate or quite frankly the news and information that would allow us to make up our own mind. In many cases this information is only causing each of us to become more disconnected from one another. It disappoints me more often than not, that the vehicle that our information is being provided to us through is being manipulated in a way to keep everyone at odds against one another.

All of us have views about which we feel strongly and involved, and one of my interests bridges the happenings in Washington, D.C., to politics happening here at home. While the talking heads battling to see who can talk louder might catch our attention, the issues that impact most of us day-to-day take place at the local level. It’s these discussions that shape zoning ordinances, provide adequate infrastructure, and regulate environmental issues.

In previous columns, I’ve outlined the work of our Governmental Affairs Committee, which monitor local policies that may impact the right to own, use, and transfer real property. Two other ways in which Greater Chattanooga Realtors® engage in these local issues is through our Realtors Political Action Committee (RPAC) and RPAC Trustees. Our members serving on these important committees encourage Realtors to vote, act, and invest on behalf of consumers to protect and promote private property rights.

The RPAC Committee solicits their peers for RPAC investments, which are used to support pro-REALTOR® political candidates or policies that build strong communities, protect property interests, and promote a vibrant business environment. Working alongside the RPAC Committee are our RPAC Trustees, who interview candidates running for elected office. The purpose of these interviews is to determine the candidate’s stance on issues that affect the real estate industry and educate them on said issues and views.

As a result of these collective efforts, Greater Chattanooga Realtors provide financial support to a candidate or a public policy initiative. It’s important to note that Realtor Party is non-partisan. While our members individually may be aligned with one party, when Greater Chattanooga Realtors® takes a position, we do so neither as red nor blue. The Realtor Party stays focused on supporting candidates and issues based on real estate, while setting aside personal agendas or party affiliation. The RPAC Trustees complete a training prior to servicing their two-year term that outlines and identifies the structure and purpose of the group and how to conduct healthy and productive interviews with candidates. 

As we enter the political season of 2022, we need to understand that this election cycle is of unprecedented importance. Residents have never had the opportunity to vote on so many seats at so many levels. The Realtors are thrilled to be a part of such an exciting time for our community and the challenge is something the Trustees and our membership will not take lightly in advocating for candidates that support the protecting and the promoting of private property rights. That’s Who We R®.