On July 8, TREC launched a new licensee portal and transitioned CE data from verify.tn.gov to CE Broker, a third-party continuing education tracking system. TREC is no longer updating CE data through verify.tn.gov. In order to view your TREC CE credits, you must create a free* CE Broker account:
1. Visit www.cebroker.com/tn/plans
2. Click on BASIC*
3. Enter your license number
4. Create your username and password
5. Enter your new dashboard to see your continuing education
6. Bookmark the new site for quick reference.
*Some licensees report getting a pop-up window to enter a credit card. For a Basic (free) account, you may disregard credit cards requests, account status is "not complete," and the "activate free trial."
Unfortunately, this change prevents our Staff from viewing and assisting in checking your CE credits. However, the new platform provides a more seamless way for uploading CE credits following one of our classes.
Questions? Email support@cebroker.com.