Association Office (2963 Amnicola Highway)
President Vicki Trapp will provide a "State of the Association" highlighting various member programs and services. Following her presentation, we will recognize our REALTOR® Emeritus members and announce the results of our online Election*. Immediately following the program, we will adjourn to celebrate the newly elected Officers and Directors and our newest REALTOR® Emeritus members.
*Online voting will be available at associationvoting.com/gcar beginning Thursday, September 4 and remain open until 5 pm on Wednesday, September 10. Prior to the opening of the online polls, additional details will be emailed directly to all REALTOR® members eligible to vote.
2015 President-Elect Candidates
One (1) of the following will be elected to serve as 2015 President-Elect and 2016 President.
Nickie Schwartzkopf
Nathan Walldorf
2015 Secretary/Treasurer Candidates
The Secretary/Treasurer position is a one- (1-) year term.
Robert Fisher
2015-2016 Director Candidates
Six (6) of the following will be elected to serve a two- (2-) year term.
Robert Backer
Kim Bass
Doug Edrington
Arnold Farmer
Barry Hamilton
Denise Murphy
Paula Palmer
Geoff Ramsey
Robyn Ring
Janice Robertson
Steven Sharpe
Brandi Pearl Thompson
Ron Tucker
Raymond Warren
Liz Wilkerson
The prevailing candidates will serve under the leadership of 2015 President Travis Close and the five (5) Directors fulfilling the remainder of their 2014-2015 term: Jennifer Cooper, Fidel Fonseca, Happy Huddleston, Brenda Pargeon and Sabrena Turner. Also serving in 2015 will be the Immediate Past President Vicki Trapp.