Wed, Oct 27, 9:00am – 4:00pm
Commercial Lot & Land Purchase & Sale Agreements Revealed
Greater Chattanooga REALTORS® (2963 Amnicola Highway)
Commercial Lot & Land Purchase & Sale Agreements Revealed course will be held IN PERSON.
The overall purpose of this class is to take away the mystery of preparing Commercial Lot/Land Purchase and Sale Agreements. Specifically, we will review what a contract is; Letters of Intent - how and why to use them; we will go over – line by line – the most common provisions of Commercial Lot/Land Purchase and Sale Agreements. We will also discuss feasibility studies that should be completed during the due diligence period and how to calculate inspection time periods. By the end of the class students will feel more comfortable and confident in preparing Commercial Lot/Land Purchase and Sale Agreements. By the end of this course you will be able to:
• Define a contract
• List four elements necessary for a contract to be enforceable
• Identify other terms and conditions to be fulfilled for a valid contract
• List circumstances that would make a contract void or unenforceable
• Describe the difference between filling in a purchase and sale agreement and practicing law
• Explain when a confidentiality agreement should be used
• Explain the reasons for using a Letter of Intent
• Compose a Letter of Intent
• Name the common clauses in a Commercial Lot/Land Purchase and Sale Agreement
• Describe the intent behind the common clauses in a Commercial Lot/Land Purchase and Sale Agreement
• Develop a list of items to be assessed during commercial land transaction due diligence periods
• Determine length of time for due diligence
• Employ the use of Exhibits in association with a Commercial Lot/Land Purchase and Sale Agreement
Course material will be emailed prior to class.
Linda Olson
6 Hours TN & GA
Members: FREE / Non-Members: $60.00