Greater Chattanooga REALTORS® (2963 Amnicola Highway)
So much success in marketing comes from telling great stories. But there is one thing that is often neglected when using storytelling in our business. That’s the story that you are living through yourself. When struggles arise, like a global pandemic, it’s often hard to navigate them emotionally and if you aren’t careful, it can send your business on a downward spiral. Instead, use the knowledge you have of storytelling to change the story you tell yourself and flip the script to create a successful story where only you could be the main character. Once you understand that your struggles just mean you’re in the middle of your story, you can get back focused on the happy ending and connect deeper with your clients, establish long term relationships, and do the work that you love to do.
CLICK HERE for more information from Instructor Rain Bennett
Members: $30.00 / Non-Members: $45.00