Wed, Mar 12, 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Fair Housing: What You Need to Know & Why
Greater Chattanooga REALTORS® (2963 Amnicola Highway)
Fair Housing: What You Need to Know and Why classes will be held IN PERSON.
Students participating in this course will complete their mandatory fair housing training requirement*, while understanding how to stay in compliance with federal fair housing laws while practicing real estate:
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
• Identify and understand the history of housing discrimination.
• Apply an increased level of understanding and communication concerning federal fair housing laws.
• Identify protected classes, advertising requirements and exemptions to fair housing laws.
• Discuss the policies and procedures for the complaint and enforcement process.
• Examine and identify state and local laws to increase knowledge of state resource agencies.
• Summarize key concepts of Article 10 of the Code of Ethics.
• Discuss current day discrimination focused on case studies, implicit bias and steering.
• Gain understanding on hot topics in real estate concerning issues that could potentially become fair housing violations.
Course material will be emailed prior to class.
THIS COURSE IS CURRENTLY APPROVED FOR 2 HOURS OF TN CE CREDIT, we are in process of getting the course approved for 3 hours of TN & GA CE Credit but it will not be available until after April).
*This course fulfills the REALTOR® Fair HousingTraining Requirement mandated by National Association of REALTORS®, to be completed once every three years. The current cycle runs January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2027.
Ingrid Prather
2 Hours (TN ONLY)
Members: FREE / Non-Members: $20.00